Regional Data is loaded from a .CVP file (Country Variables / Players) usually located in the \Maps directory. The file lists various information for all regions that have been defined for use on the map and all groups. Each region data begins with
&&CVP [regionnumber]
Each region data section also includes region-specific data with these keys:
&&GROUPING [regionnumber]
&®IONTECHS [regionnumber]
&®IONUNITDESIGNS [regionnumber]
&®IONSOCIALS [regionnumber]
&®IONRELIGIONS [regionnumber]
So the data for Israel starts after the line
&&CVP 501
Important: In most cases, after editing regional data a cache file must be created to see the data in game.
This data applies from Supreme Ruler 2020 to all modern games, however some data may not be supported in all older engines.
The regional data CVP file contains "Regions" and "Groups". A group entry will combine a number of individual region entries (such as individual states or provinces into a country), it gets limited data and creates values by totals/averages of its group members. Low trailing numbers (1402, 1403, 1404, 1501) are used for regions and high trailing numbers (1499, 1599, 1699) are used for groups.
&&CVP Data Elements:
Key Value | Range | Description |
regionname | Region Name | (the \Localize\LOCALxx\Scenario\Localtext-Regions.csv may override existing names due to localization issues)
Active | (A,B,C,…Z)
(a,b,c,...z) |
Marks which map this region is valid for, which scenario file calls it.
blocknum | (0-127) | Default Block Number |
altblocknum | (0-127) | Alternate Block Number |
continentnum | Continent Number | |
masterdata | FALSE | If set TRUE, then merging of grouped-in region data NOT done; master values in CVP are used (mastergroupdata)
This controls whether certain data is calculated from grouped individual regions, or whether the data in the "Master" (group parent) region is used instead. These values are affected: (percentages are averaged)
When using Master Data set on, these values are ignored for the children-regions that are grouped in, and the value from the Master record is used. When Master Data is off, these values are added to the group totals; in most cases, population, treasury, etc should be zero, unless you intend to add it to the group total. (If population is not zero in the parent and master data is off, then the parent-entry gdpc/literacy/etc are all applied to the population that is added to the group total). Also note that some data should be present in the masterdata / group-into region as it is not taken from the subregions, such as: electiondate, electionterm |
govtype | (0-10) | 0=World Market; 1=Democracy; 2=Monarchy; 3=Communism; 4=Dictatorship; 5=Theocracy; 6=Colony; 7=Exile; 8=Totalitarianism; 9=Flawed Democracy; 10=Elective Autocracy |
polpartin | bitmask | Political Parties active in region - bitmask: (SR2030)
ie 7 for three party system, 5 for Left/Right system, 15 for four party system (usually 4th party is just "Other". If zero, defaults to 0x7 (three party system) |
polpartynames | PartyNames[4] | Regional Political Party Name defaults for Left/Centre/Right/Other parties (SR2030) - overridden by 'polparty' text if set |
govtitle | (0-15) - Male, (16-31) - Female | 0:President, 1:Prime Minister, 2:King, 3:Chancellor, 4:Chairman, 5:Premier, 6:High Representative, 7: Governor, 8:Chief Minister, 9:Supreme Leader, 10:Taoiseach, 11-15:Currently Unused
+16 For female title versions (I.E. 2 is the ID for King +16 brings it to 18 making it Queen) Changes: 18:Queen, 20:Chair |
govtypeapprove | (0.0-1.0)[6] | Values for Civilian approval of each govtype
loyalty | (0.0-1.0) | Default Loyalty for Region’s territory (Default 1.0) |
prodefficiency | (0.0-1.0) | Baseline Production Efficiency for Region (Default 0.8) |
targetmileffadj | (-1.0-1.0) | Adjust the "Target Military Efficiency" value for region
targetmilmoraleadj | (-1.0-1.0) | Adjust the "Target Military Morale" value for region
playeragenda | Default 'Agenda' for initial default priorities & stance
| |
playeraistance | (0-4) | AI Stance
refpopulation | (in M) | Reference Population |
worldavail | (A,B,C,…Z)
(a,b,c,...z) |
Equipment Research/Build World Region(s)
armsavail | (A,B,C,…Z)
(a,b,c,...z) |
Arms Sales/Grants World Region Predisposition (default none)
worldapproval | (0.0-1.0) | (former wmintegrity) World/UN overall approval (default 0.6) |
treatyintegrity | (0.0-1.0) | Rating for integrity of treaties & participation level (default 0.85) |
civapproval | (0.0-1.0) | Approval Rating from domestic general population (default 0.4) |
milapproval | (0.0-1.0) | Approval Rating of military leaders for gov't (default 0.5) |
envrating | (0.0-1.0) | Environmental rating (default 0.4) |
milsubsidyrating | (0.0-1.0) | World/UN Military Subsidy Rating |
domsubsidyrating | (0.0-1.0) | World/UN Economic/Domestic Subsidy Rating |
creditrating | (0.0-1.0) | Overall Credit rating, 0.5 is Normal/Default |
tourismrating | (0.0-1.0) | Quality/approval for tourists (%age) (default 0.1) |
literacy | (0.0-1.0) | Literacy level Percentage |
lifeexp | Life expectancy in years (actual value) | |
ageunder18 | // No Longer Used | |
ageover65 | // No Longer Used | |
avgchildren | // No Longer Used | |
crimerate | # of crimes per 1000 people (Default s/b world default?) | |
birthratebase | (0.0 - ??) | GR/SRNG Only - base rate multiplier for Births. SRU Equivalent value is 1.0. Value of 0 = no births. |
deathratebase | (0.0 - ??) | GR/SRNG Only - base rate multiplier for Deaths. SRU Equivalent value is 1.0. Value of 0 = no deaths |
poptotalarmy | (#) | Total Army Soldiers (Active & Reserve)
popminreserve | (#) | Minimum Reserve Soldiers (default 10,000)
unemployment | (%) | Unemployed but Looking for Work Percentage (workforce%?) |
poppow | LATER (forum?) | // Prisoners of war (needs to be per region?) |
treasury | ($ M) | Starting Treasury – usually Budget Revenue/12 or GDP/50
nationaldebtgdp | (%) | Base Starting National Debt – %age of total Public GDP |
gdpc | ($) | GDP per capita |
gdptourism | (0.0-1.0) | Percentage of Region’s GDP Based on Tourism |
inflation | (-0.2-0.3) | Inflation rate (%age). Default 0.0% |
buyingpower | (1.0) | (unused as of SRNG) Set to 1 at start; current $1 value in buying power |
techlevel | 0-120 | Regional Tech level (100 = Year 2000 approximate) |
starttechlvl | (-1 to 255)[3] | GR/SRNG : Starting default technologies included at startup based on lobby Start Tech selection (none/normal/advanced); all techs <= selected value, -1=none |
alertlevel | (0.0-1.0) | Alert Level of Region & Military; 0.0=Peacetime Standard |
fanaticism | (0.0-1.0) | Level of Religious Fanaticism in Civilian Population |
religionpop | (0.0-1.0)[12] | Population percentages adhering to each Religion
socialrating | (0.0-1.0)[8] | Starting / Baseline Social Ratings for each Social Category
efficiency | (0.1-1.2)[12] | Starting Industry Efficiencies (Default 0.8) |
stockdays | (Days)[12] | Starting Resource stockpiles in “Days of Demand”
stockadd | (#)[12] | Starting Resource stockpile additions in Units (Default 0)
flagnum | ID # of flag (0 to ?) for player
{flag number from \Graphics\FLAGBITSn.PNG} | |
flagrebelnum | ID # of flag for rebel/partisan break | |
politic | (-1.0-1.0) | Leader's politic, Socialist to Ultra-Conservative
partychoice | 0-2 | Party # being led, liberal/center/conservative 0-2
leadernum | People # of region's leader | |
oppositionnum | People # of opposition party leader (SR2030) | |
leaderpic | LeaderPic ID (avatar) from pplx file, or 0 to use Custom Pic (or n/a) (not implemented) | |
musictrack | Music Track #, 0 for none | |
bwmmember | (Y/N) | WM Member |
bconscript | (Y/N) | Conscription on/off |
bimmcontrol | (Y/N) | Immigration Controls (SRNG) |
bemcontrol | (Y/N) | Emigration Controls (SRNG) |
brefugeecontrol | (Y/N) | Refugee Controls (restrict refugees when on) (SRNG) |
forcesplan | {unused at this time} | |
milspendsalary | ||
milspendmaint | ||
milspendintel | ||
milspendresearch | ||
RacePrimary | See People Data File | |
RaceSecondary | ||
capitalx | {Map X coordinate of hex for capital} | |
capitaly | {Map Y coordinate of hex for capital} | |
nonplayable | ||
influence | (0-53)[4] | Uses the influences found here
influenceval | (-1.00 to 1.00)[4] | as a percentage participation for each influence
keepregion | Keep Region Keep Region in Regions List & Loyalty even after grouping. | |
couppossibility | Coup Possible Percentage chance of Military-style Coup | |
revoltpossibility | Revolt Possible Percentage chance of civilian revolution | |
independencetarget | Indep Target Date target for independence | |
independencedesire | INdep Desire Percentage rating of desire for independence | |
parentloyalty | Parent Loyalty Percentage loyalty to colonoizer parent (NOT USED - instead, in SRNG/GR Civilian Relations between colony or subregion and parent are used to calculate this) | |
parentregion | Parent Region Region ID of colonizer parent | |
federalregion | Federal 'country' of this (state/province) region. Used by AI etc | |
sphere | Sphere -1 to 1 (Soviet to Nato) Sphere of Influence | |
civiliansphere | Civilian Sphere Sphere Leaning of civilian pop (-1 to 1 : Soviet to Nato) | |
theatrehome | Home Theatre Original "Home" Theatre of the Region | |
merchantmarine | SR5ID to use as merchant marine [non-amphibous/amphibious] | |
urbanfacils | Starting Equipment ID number for city urban facilities set; used if not defined for Theatre. (GR/SRNG) | |
ftlrangeadj | Adjustment %age for FTL Range |
&&GROUPING [regionnumber] {Region Numbers for regions in this group}
- [a] {a= region ID number for region to be included in group}
- There is a limit of 32 items in this list.
- Items can be regions or groups. Pregroup IDs to put more than 32 "regions" into a group.
&®IONTECHS [regionnumber] {Tech ID Numbers for initially known technologies}
- [a] {a= tech ID]
- If a technology is added to this list, all prerequisite technologies will automatically be known as well.
&®IONUNITDESIGNS [regionnumber] {Unit ID Numbers for initially known designs}
- [a] {a= Unit ID}
- In Galactic Ruler, adding a unit design is only necessary if the unit is flagged for "no research". The tech requirements for such units need to be added as known techs in &®IONTECHS. Example: Pirate Scout Ship.
&®IONPRODUCTS RegionProducts
&®IONSOCIALS [regionnumber] {Initial Social Values}
- [a,b] {a=social service from 0-7, b=value from 0.0 to 1.0}
&®IONRELIGIONS [regionnumber]
- [a,b]