Supreme Ruler Wiki

Files with the .Scenario extension are used by the game to load scenario/campaign data for starting up a map.

Scenario File locations - SRU

.Scenario files are found in the following places;

  • /Campaign
    • These are the Campaigns
  • /Scenario
    • These are the Scenarios
    • There are sub-folders for scenarios of different eras (SR1936, SRCW, etc)
    • /Scenario/Custom - folder for Custom games
    • /Scenario/Workshop - Added in March2020 Update - Folder to assemble & upload Steam Workshop MAPS sandboxes.
  • /Multiplayer
    • No Longer used effective April 2020 Update - Multiplayer now uses the Sandbox Folder
  • /Sandbox
    • These are the Sandboxes used for Single Player and Multiplayer
  • /Common
    • New in April 2020 Update
    • Used to store files that are used for multiple scenario/sandbox/campaigns etc
  • /Tutorial
    • These are the Tutorial Scenarios

Scenario Support File Locations - SRU (April 2020 Update)

Starting with SRU Versions after 9.1.302, the game engine supports a file structure inside each scenario file location. The folder of the support files must be the same as the name of the .scenario file

For example: MyGame.scenario in the /Scenario/Custom folder:

  • /Scenario/Custom/MyGame/ is the folder to hold support files
  • /Scenario/Custom/MyGame/MAPS/ would be looked at first for loading files from the MAPS folder, this would override anything in the core game or a workshop mod.
  • Any files unique to each scenaro/sandbox/etc should now be stored under this scenario folder, and not with the core game games.

Note that even though this system also allows over-riding game engine files such as graphics, UI, etc, there are issues with such usage. At present, this file structure should be used only for items related to cache building. For other game engine items such as graphics, a Steam Workshop MODS item should be used instead.

Scenario File locations - SR2020

.Scenario files are found in the following places;

  • /Campaign
    • These are the Campaigns for Supreme Ruler 2020
  • /Scenario
    • These are the Scenarios for Supreme Ruler 2020
  • /Multiplayer
    • These are the Multiplayer Scenarios for Supreme Ruler 2020
  • /CampaignGC
    • These are the Campaigns for Global Crisis
  • /ScenarioGC
    • These are the Scenarios for Global Crisis
  • /MultiplayerGC
    • These are the Multiplayer Scenarios for Global Crisis
  • /Custom
    • These are the Custom Scenarios for Global Crisis. Modded files usually go here.

Scenario File Data

.Scenario files contain links to various files used to assemble the cache file and tell the game what cache file to use. When a cache file is not found the game will create a new cache.

The command #include (common in C++) is used for the files that are linked in.

The data in the .Scenario file is divided into 3 sections:

  • Pre-Cache Data
  • Post Cache Data
  • Lobby settings

Post Cache Data

Some information is applied to the cache file after creation. This data can be changed without requiring a rebuild of the cache. Some of the pre-cache data files can also be included here but this will increase load times. The .OOB file in particular should not be here unless it is a small custom .OOB.

The following files are usually in the Post Cache Data:

  • Region briefs and e-mails (usally LocalText-RegionsGC.csv)
  • Scenario specific briefs/e-mails (usually [scenarioname]-Text.csv)

The following data types can be added to the end of the .SCENARIO file:

  • &&UNITS data (usually from DEFAULT.UNIT)
  • &&CVO data (regional data overrides)

Lobby settings

These are the default settings for game variables and setup options. Players will be able to adjust these in the lobby where the option exists.

The section starting with the header "&&GMC" usually contains the following data:

Game / Scenario / Sandbox / Campaign Variables:
&&GMC Description Default
startymd: (Year, Month, Day) for game start 2020, 1, 1
playsetfile: Not currently used
inclfile: Specifies a replacement for the "Allload.ini" file that by default loads the picnums, orders, aiparams, and other game settings that are not saved with save-game files.

Do not include path, do not include .INI extension. Maximum size is 18 characters.

spherenn: Sphere naming 0 axis/ally 1 warsaw/nato 2 social/capital 3 red/blue 4 region name 5 central/entente

Setup / Options:

Setup / Options:
&&GMC Description Default
defaultregion Region ID number found in the .CVP file
difficulty (Military, Economic, Diplomatic) (value of 0-4 with 0 being Very easy, and 4 being very hard)
resources (0-4)
initialfunds (0-4)
reservelimit (unused)
starttech (0-2) - GR/SRNG: starting technologies for regions (none/normal/advanced); matches to tech levels in CVP file (starttechlvl)
startyear (unused)
techtreedefault (unused)
wminvolve (-1 = Critical UN, 0= not critical UN)
wmduse (-1 = allow nukes, 0= no nukes)
fastbuild (unused)
grouployaltymerge 1 = Merge loyalty when grouping
groupresearchmerge 1 = Merge research (techs/units) when grouping
relationseffect (0-4, volatility setting)
mapmusic Default Music Track, 0 for none
mapgui GUI skin number to use
maxmisstarg Maximum missile targeting range in hexes (0 for default SR value, usually 9) (added ver 9.1.212)
missilenolimit (unused)
alliedvictory (0-1)
restricttechtrade (unused)
approvaleff (0-4)
wmdeff (0-4) (how hard relations will affect when nukes are used)
debtfree 0 = debt, 1 = no debt
norangemult 1 = no enhanced spoting, 0 = enhanced spoting
nospotrangemult: 1 = no enhanced range, 0 = enhanced range
nounits 1 = Start Without Units (no OOB import!)
dipunitreal: 1 = merchant marine used for diplomatic trading
thirdpartyrel 1 = Third Party Relations Effects (added U7)
unexpulsion 1 = Allow un expulsion & intervention (added CW)
noelecsale 1 = No wm sales of electricitiy (added CWU3
regioncolkeepmil 1 = When set, colonizing a region will not transfer their military bases to parent
colonypartreat 1 = Colonies will mirror treaties ally/enemies of their parents (default on SR8)
battleatlantic 1 = Include "Battle of the Atlantic" special feature
noloypenalty 1 = No Supply-loyalty penalty for production/supply in non-loyal regions
nosphere 1 = No Sphere influences or effects
nomoverail 1 = No use of Rail Preference for slow Infantry/Towed units
allowtranspscrap 1 = Allow scrapping Roads and Rails
nocontinents 1 = Don't group by continent on lobby region list
ignorecache 1 = Ignore existing cache and force recache - generally just for lobby setting use
regioninclall 1 = Include ALL regions in CVP file, even if not in the REGIONINCL list. (SRNG/GR only)

Note that Setup/Options for Campaign .scenario files are ignored, instead all defaults/initial values are loaded from the special CLOBBY.Scenario file instead.

Scenario File Overrides

At the bottom of the file it is possible to add regional data formatted as found in the .CVP file to change existing values.

For example, by adding:

&&CVP 1106
techlevel 104

Region 1106 (Poland) would be given a tech level of 104
